

Psychophonetics practitioners offer a safe, confidential, and non-judgemental space for listening with deep empathy to your concerns.

Each person's experience and choices are respected.

There is usually a conversational and experiential phase in each session. The process is created in partnership with you, so as to empower you with new skills for creating new meaning in your life.

Practitioners bring a variety of skills and experience for a wide variety of issues including -  
  • Self-esteem
  • Stress
  • Fear
  • Anger
  • Overcoming reactions
  • Anxiety
  • Relationships
  • Abuse
  • Life enhancement
  • Finding life purpose
  • Addictions
  • Life transitions
  • Grief & Loss
  • Pain management
  • Releasing blocked speaking

PAIN asks us to heal by focusing not only on the place the pain is felt but also the actual way the pain is felt. Pain is a form of alertness and particularity; pain is a way in.

The basic approach can include
  • Exploring your concerns in conversation until a mutual understanding is reached regarding your issue.
  • On this basis, you are invited to make a practical wish about what you want to change. This wish guides the direction of the action phase in the session.
  • A common starting point is choosing the experience of a moment in life relating to your issue.
  • This moment is then recalled and the process can include -
    • sensing this experience in the body
    • expressing the experience through gesturing, visualising, drawing, or claywork
    • entering, exiting and beholding imaginatively the inner dynamics
    • gaining insights 
    • through deeper work and using sounds, changes can be made to the vibrational patterns of the experience held in your body. 
  • This non-verbal way of knowing offers a transformational and developmental approach for you to gain skills of self-management for use in everyday life, not just during the session.
  • Drawing, painting and clay-work may also be used at home, as well as in the sessions.

  Using sounds feels like I’ve broken down a black box that I’ve been inside.

  Each time I make a sound and gesture I give myself more space…

  I had negative thought patterns & behaviours I was able to break down with sounds…

  I’ve involved the whole of me to heal the whole of me, not just the mind.

Psychophonetics practitioners offer an educational and therapeutic learning process that encourages the development of each person's knowing, inner strength, and potential.

I never quite understood what had happened to me and what impact it had on me, and why I was affected so much...

It was amazing to find out and to have a greater clarity and understanding about past hurts and triggers… I mean first I had to gesture the situation, feel it, find a colour and sound and then at the end was the clay.

The clarity of seeing the relationships, seeing it in clay was quite profound for me...there was a different perspective completely.

An introductory article about one person's experience of Psychophonetics

Holistic Counselling