Lea Rose

PhD Science. Uni Melb (current)

Thesis Title: Unveiling echoes, weathered bodies: Art-science synergy, an agent for social change. The impact of colonisation through embodied Geographies. The case of Lake Tyrrell (Direl).

Dr Raoul Goldberg PhD; MD
PhD.  Integral & Transpersonal Psychology. California Institute of Integral Studies (2021)

Dr Katherine Train

PhD. Organisational Development. Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town (2015)

Compassion in Organisations: Sensemaking & Embodied Experience in Emergent Capability


Dr Robin Steele

PhD. Interdisciplinary, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia (2005)

Phenomenological Hermeneutic Study of/in Transformation: An Embodied & Creative Exploration of Therapeutic Change, through Psychophonetics Psychotherapy


Dr Barry Bignell

PhD, Dept of Social Ecology, University of Western Sydney (2000)

Musical Utterance as a Way of Knowing: A Contemporary Epistemology of Music



Miroslava Tagar

Masters. University of Constantine Philosopher in Nitra. Faculty of Education; Department of Education (2023)

Deepening the teacher's competence in the field of education of children and young people with disabilities, disruptions, and threats.

Susan Morrison

Master of Counselling, Notre Dame University, Fremantle Western Australia (2014)

How does a Holistic Approach, as Exemplified by Psychophonetics Psychotherapy, Contribute to Counsellor Resilience?

Keriesa Botha

MSc in Leadership & Change Management, Faculty of Business & Law, Leeds Metropolitan University (UK) (2011)

A Critical Evaluation of a Program developing Emotional Competence using Psychophonetics for IT Team Leaders & Specialists at a Financial Services Company

Katherine Train

Master of Pharmacy, University of Western Cape, South Africa (2011)

The Development of an Intervention to Coach Carers in Resilience to Compassion Fatigue & Burnout using Psychophonetics Methodology for Self-Care & Empathy Skills


Hadas Arielli-Sorenson

Master of Arts, Melbourne Institute for Experiential & Creative Arts Therapy (MIECAT), Australia (2009).

Between Two Lands: A Multi-Modal Inquiry into the Experience of War & Peace, Exploring Values of 'Belonging' & 'Acceptance'


Linda Hall

Master of Psychology (Artistic Counselling), Irish International University, Singapore (2006)

Professional Leadership & Development of Courses in Artistic Counselling


Carl Holroyd

Master of Social Science, Edith Cowan University, Bunbury, WA (2005)

On being-in-community: A phenomenological explication of the experience of being-in-community, in the context of the CBW and business.

Jutta Eggers

MA Counselling Psychology, University of Pretoria (2003)

Neither Flesh nor Fleshless: An Object-Relational Study of the Experience of Philophonetics-Counselling


Siegfried Gutbrod

Master of Counselling & Human Services, La Trobe University (2003)

Barry Bignell

M.Ed. Dept of Education, University of Melbourne (1994)


Gabriele Boemer-Wellens

Diplomandenkurs Waldorfpadagogik, Freie Hochschuke Stuttgart (2014)