
BA (Hons) Fine Art, PG Diploma Art Therapy; PG Certificate Ed; BTEC Assessor Awards; MA Modules: PG Cert. HE Research Training; Advanced Diploma of Psychophonetics, Fellowship Diploma in Anthroposophical Psychotherapy (Psychophonetics); Certified Empathic Intervision Facilitator. MIAPP.


Tessa is a Psychophonetics practitioner in private practice; and a peer trainer at Sussex Recovery College, Sussex Partnership NHS foundation Trust. Tessa offers concise practical empathy to sustain individual potentials within teams and for individuals.

Tessa has also completed the Empathic Intervision Facilitation Course with a Psychophonetics colleague, Dr. Katherine Train PhD. This course blended a life time of Resilience and Empathic approaches in private and public companies including: UK Universities, National Health Service, Channel 4 and Charities.

In person + online for individuals, couples & organisations

Discounts available

Psychophonetics counsellor, creative empathy practitioner, empathic intervision facilitator & supervisor.

 Dumfries and Galloway, SCOTLAND

 Mob: +44 (0) 7487 528 145

 Email Tessa