
Psychophonetics is a person-centred, experiential approach incorporating body, soul, and spirit. It offers a developmental approach to counselling and psychotherapy which can include both conversation and action phases, in which each person's inner and outer experiences are valued and personal responsibility is encouraged.

Psychophonetics, founded by  Yehuda Tagar in the late 1980s, is based on Anthroposophy.

Psychophophonetics is a unique approach to Anthroposophical psychology, based on Rudolf Steiner's Psychosophy (soul work), as well as Humanistic psychology and the expressive arts.

Psychophonetics counsellors and psychotherapists, work in partnership with each person to explore their experiences, thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and encouraging more self-awareness, orientation, empowerment and resourcefulness in their life.

Turn your current life challenge into an opportunity

Become more consciously aware, connected and confident by learning to use for yourself the following non-verbal ways of knowing in everyday life...

Sensing, Gesturing, Visualising & Sound Therapy 

Practitioners are working in the major cities and regional areas of Australia, Israel, South Africa, England, Switzerland, Spain & Europe.

"I nearly didn't come to counselling because of the fear factor,
but when you mentioned this as an opportunity to start,
I found myself out of the chair saying yes".



October 4-6
Click here for details & bookings

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